These are my latest paintings,
Skyscapes: Mall. This series continues my prior expedition into the connection and relations between natural and man-made. I guess it kind of started with my
Skyscapes: Travel series, and I have at least one more planned after this, which I began preparing tonight. I began with the sky/background first, and really finished it before moving onto the building/foreground part. I tried to maintain a connection between the three sky areas and the building areas while keeping them different enough to be interesting. I'm really enjoying the abstraction versus geometry aspect of these paintings, and I hope to maintain that in the next series.
Skyscapes: Mall III
Acrylic on Panel
22" x 24"
Skyscapes: Mall II
Acrylic on Panel
22" x 24"
Skyscapes: Mall I
Acrylic on Panel
22" x 24"