Tuesday, February 9, 2010

America 2001-2009

This project began as a relief print for a printmaking class. It is a linoleum cutout of Dick Cheney and George W. Bush. My objective for the project was to create a print based on the word "nominal." I applied that to contemporary politics, and used hierarchy to emphasize whom was being nominalized. These particular prints were test prints for my final project, done on a really thin, fabric-like paper. After a while of them just laying around, I laid them out to see what kind of shape I could get out of them, as I could not think of anything else to do with them. They were the perfect dimensions for a flag. I painted them with the appropriate water colors to make it more obviously a flag and months later finally sewed them together, to give it more color and texture as well as to emphasize, once again, the flag idea. I then cut two 2 x 4's in half longways and built a frame, spray-painted white on which to attach my "flag," which I did with a staple gun. I am extraordinarily pleased with this project. It also reminds me, due to the repetition, of my "37 Fountains," an obvious Warhol influence, though I'm unawares if Warhol ever segued into politics.

America 2001-2009
Mixed Media
36" x 24"

America (detail)

America (detail)

America (detail)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

St. Lous Symphony Orchestra Mailer & Calendar

This is a project that I did for a Graphic Design class. Our assignment was to redesign the mailer/calendar that the Symphony mails out to get people interested in their new season. All we were given were the specs and a few requirements, everything else was open to our own design. A week before this project began, I went to an estate sale and found a myriad of old photographs in the basement. I bought all of them, imagining everything I could do with them. It happened to work out that we began this project the next week, and I decided to utilize the pictures. I found the German word for memories, Reminiszenz, and titled my mailer as such. I then found German composers to feature on the right side of each spread, and paired it with different images of women through various ages of their lives.
For the cover, I scattered a few of the other pictures on the floor and photographed them to resemble someone digging through their old photos in order to remember something. I hand drew all the titles and names and found two other fonts which were appropriate to my own design as well as to the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra aesthetic.

I am extremely happy with my final product. I put a lot of time and thought into it, and I hope it shows.

St. Louis Symphony Orchestra Cover

SLSO interior spreads
In order: Pages 1, 2, and 3

SLSO Calendar of Events