Sunday, July 18, 2010

Fence Mural

This is a mural I did with a neighbor/ friend of mine. We pretty much grew up together and were both involved in some surgeries recently, he wins surgery-wise for sure though. We figured we'd do something productive and fun though in order to take our minds off other things. But he came up with the idea and execution. I really just helped with the painting. We began at around 9 at night, got rain delayed and built a semi-elaborate (well, elaborate may not be the right adjective, but it did the job) canopy. And of course, by the time we finished the canopy, the rain stopped. But we kept it up just in case it rained again. We then worked until about 12:30 and finished up and cleaned, etc. Came back and photographed it a day later. Really fun to work on, great doing a collaborative piece with him. About 6 or so feet high, maybe 15 feet wide. Two colors. He white-washed the fence and we just did black on top. Pretty simple, but really nice result.